This study assesses the vocational education courses given in schools of physical education and sport at Turkish universities and their use in the life of professionals. This study investigates 55 male and 25 female participants, aged 24 to 49, randomly selected from among the physical education and sport teachers in government and private schools in the cities of Edirne, Tekirdag, and Kırklareli of the Trakya region of Turkey. The evaluation form includes 72 courses (questions) taken by the participants from departments of physical education and sport at universities in Turkey. The participants were given four weeks to assess the courses on the evaluation form according to their professional past experience. The participants gave scores from 0 (unimportant) to 5 (very important) to all courses. According to the study, in the opinion of physical education and sport teachers, some of the courses were not needed in their professional careers: (1) practical courses (education: wrestling, mountaineering, ski, judo, etc.), (2) theoretical courses (education: statistics, seminars and projects, Olympic sports, etc.) and (3) pedagogical formation (education sociology). As a result of this study, it was argued that the courses that received low scores on the evaluation should be re-evaluated or eliminated from the curriculum. Moreover, the course hours and contents could be rearranged and developed.