Efforts to transform the mental health service delivery system to a more consumer-driven and recovery-orientated approach has its roots in a somewhat radical anti-psychiatry and civil-rights movement dating back to the 1970s. This grass-roots effort gained momentum and credibility with Harding’s landmark study published in 1988 followed by the work of Anthony et al. from Boston University in beginning to define the term ‘recovery’ In 1998 the Office of the US Surgeon General issued its first report on mental health, and this critical view of the shortcomings of the existing service system set the stage for the 2003 President’s New Freedom Commission and its recommendations for recovery-orientated systems transformation. The recovery movement has evolved from a more radical view in the early days, to participatory involvement in systems, to returning to alternative models of care that are more independent. Now as more peer specialists work in systems, there is an increased emphasis on non-medical alternatives and the cycle continues. Regardless, recovery, self-determination, choice, etc. are always at the centre. This paper notes the interesting cycles of recovery-orientation and how they spin around the values/tenets of the movement’s early roots.