The transport properties of interacting electrons for which the spin degree of freedom is taken into account are numerically studied for small two dimensional diffusive clusters. On-site electronelectron interactions tend to delocalize the electrons, while long-range interactions enhance localization. On careful examination of the transport properties, we reach the conclusion that it does not show a two dimensional metal insulator transition driven by interactions. A parallel magnetic field leads to enhanced resistivity, which saturates once the electrons become fully spin polarized. The strength of the magnetic field for which the resistivity saturates decreases as electron density goes down. Thus, the numerical calculations capture some of the features seen in recent experimental measurements of parallel magnetoconductance.PACS numbers: 71.30.+h, 64.60.Ak, 73.20.Fz There has been much recent interest in the influence of electron-electron interaction (eei) on the localization properties of electrons in two dimensional disordered systems. Behind this renewed interest in the topic are new experimental observations pertaining to the behavior of the conductance of low density two dimensional electrons. The conductance exhibits a crossover from an insulating like temperature dependence at low densities to a metallic one at higher densities.1,2 A second transition back to an insulating dependence at even higher densities was also observed.3 This transition, which is known as the 2DMIT (two dimensional "metal-insulator" transition), has drawn a flurry of theoretical activity since it is at odd with the prevailing single parameter scaling theory of localization.4 This scaling theory asserts that for non-interacting electrons all states in 2D are localized by any amount of disorder. Since in low density systems the ratio between the typical interaction energy and the Fermi energy, r s , is large (i.e., r s > 1), a natural explanation for the 2DMIT is that it is the result of the eei not taken into account in the original scaling theory. This has prompted an intensive theoretical effort including analytical 5 and numerical 6-13 work which tried to explain the 2DMIT as a result of delocalization by the eei. On the other hand, one may argue that the observed temperature dependence of the conductance is not a result of a metallic zero temperature phase but rather a manifestation of essentially "high" temperature physics. Thus, some other physical mechanism (such as traps, 14 interband spin dependent scattering, 15,16 temperature dependent screening [17][18][19] or percolation 20 ) sets a very low temperature scale and the observed metallic behavior occurs at higher temperatures. Accordingly there is no 2DMIT and the systems are insulating at zero temperature. This viewpoint may find support in some recent experimental results which show a suppression of the 2DMIT once interband scattering is reduced, 15,16 and from the observation that the bulk of the metallic behavior occurs at temperatures in which there is no quantum ...