We numerically study the magnetization of small metallic clusters. The magnetic susceptibility is enhanced for lower electronic densities due to the stronger influence of electron-electron interactions. The magnetic susceptibility enhancement stems mainly from an enhancement of the mass for commensurate fillings, while for non-commensurate fillings its a result of an enhancement of the Landé g factor. The relevance to recent experimental measurements is discussed.PACS numbers: 71.10.Ca,73.43.Qt Much attention has recently been given to the study of interacting electrons in two-dimensional disordered systems, motivated by new experimental observations 1 . The conductance of dilute 2D electron systems show fascinating temperature and magnetic field dependencies. One of the most intriguing behaviors is the strong decrease in the critical magnetic field, B c , needed in order to fully spin polarize the system at low densities. These low densities are characterized by a high ratio of the intra electron interaction energy E c and the Fermi energy E F . This ratio is denoted by r s = E c /E F . In the weakly interacting regime (r s ≪ 1) the system behaves as independent non-interacting electrons with a magnetic susceptibility equal to the Pauli susceptibility χ = gµ 2 B ν (where g is the Landé factor, µ B is the Bohr magneton and ν is the density of states at the Fermi energy). As the electron density is lowered, measurements show an enhancement in the susceptibility 2,3,4,5,6,7 . Although there is an ongoing debate whether these measurements support the scenario of spontaneous spin polarization 8 , or just an enhanced magnetic susceptibility 6,7 , it is nevertheless generally accepted that a large enhancement of the magnetic susceptibility occurs over a large region of densities corresponding to r s > 6.
An interesting question raised recently6,8 is whether to attribute the enhancement of susceptibility to an increase of the g factor or to an increase of the effective mass (the density of states in a 2D system is proportional to the effective mass). By a novel experimental method Pudalov et. al.6 were able to measure separately χ and m as function of r s . Although there are two different methods to extract m which do not exactly agree, nevertheless, it is clear that m increases much quicker as functions of r s than g. Recent measurements by Shashkin et. al.8 strengthen the case for a strong dependence of m on r s while g turns out to be constant. This result is in contrast to theoretical considerations based on the Fermi liquid picture which predict a strong enhancement in g 9,10,11 , but has some similarities to Wigner crystallization scenarios 12,13 .Since the development of a theoretical description of interacting electrons in disorder systems turns out to be rather intricate, a lot of effort has been invested in numerical studies. For example, the influence of electronelectron interactions on the persistent current and conductance has been extensively studied for small metallic clusters 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21...