We present first principles charge-and spin-selfconsistent electronic structure computations on the Heusler-type disordered alloys Fe 3−x V x X for three different metalloids X= (Si, Ga and Al). In these calculations we use the methodology based on the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker formalism and the coherent-potential approximation (KKR-CPA), generalized to treat disorder in multi-component complex alloys. Exchange correlation effects are incorporated within the local spin density (LSD) approximation. Total energy calculations for Fe 3−x V x Si show that V substitutes preferentially on the Fe(B) site, not on the Fe(A,C) site, in agreement with experiment. Furthermore, calculations have been carried out for Fe 3−x V x X alloys (with, x = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75), together with the end compounds Fe 3 X and Fe 2 VX, and the limiting cases of a single V impurity in Fe 3 X and a single Fe(B) impurity in Fe 2 VX. We delineate clearly how the electronic states and magnetic moments at various sites in Fe 3−x V x X evolve as a function of the V content and the 1 metalloid valence. Notably, the spectrum of Fe 3−x V x X (X=Al and Ga) develops a pseudo-gap for the majority as well as minority spin states around the Fermi energy in the V-rich regime which, together with local moments of Fe(B) impurities, may play a role in the anomalous behavior of the transport properties. The total magnetic moment in Fe 3−x V x Si is found to decrease non-linearly, and the Fe(B) moment to increase with increasing x; this is in contrast to expectations of the 'local environment' model, which holds that the total moment should vary linearly while the Fe(B) moment should remain constant. The common-band model which describes the formation of bonding and antibonding states with different weights on the different atoms, however, provides insight into the electronic structure of this class of compounds.