however the revealed lack of innovation and new product development have a significant effect on the market position and business performance. It is known that a positive relationship exists between market orientation and business performance (Rodriguez Cano et al., 2004), which is largely dependent on the involvement of consumers' needs and wants in the innovation process (Moskowitz and Hartmann, 2008). New product devel-
Does consumer preference exceed initially indicated wishes? The case of dessert toppingSuccess of a new food product on the market is strongly related to how good that product is adapted to consumers' preferences, wishes, expectations and needs. This paper shows the importance of consumer studies including consumer sensory tests for product prototype optimization on the case of an innovative sweet topping made from well-known Slovenian wine Teran. Empirical study was made combining two stages, first the exploratory qualitative research with focus groups and questionnaire and second a test for new food prototype with consumer sensory techniques. The results of the exploratory research were very encouraging and perceived market potential was substantial. However, when more precise and objective research techniques were applied, obtained managerial recommendation critically differ. Application of the consumer sensory tests, namely preference test and JAR (just about right) test, disconfirmed high expectations from the exploratory phase and showed that chocolate flavour is the main driver of liking the topping.Key words: food / new food products / sweet topping / Teran / consumers / sensory testing / preference test / hedonic test / prototype optimization
Ali potrošnikov prvi odziv presega dejanske preference? Primer desertnega prelivaUspeh novega živilskega izdelka na trgu je močno povezan s tem, kako dobro je izdelek prilagojen željam, pričakova-njem in potrebam potrošnikov. V prispevku prikažemo pomembnost študije potrošnikov, ki vključuje senzorične teste pri optimizaciji in razvoju prototipa živilskega izdelka na primeru sladkega desertnega preliva, narejenega iz znanega slovenskega vina teran. Empirična raziskava je potekala v dveh stopnjah. Prvo kvalitativno stopnjo raziskave smo izvedli z intervjuji in fokusnima skupinama in drugo stopnjo z vprašalnikom, ki je vključeval testiranje s senzoričnimi tehnikami. Rezultati prvega dela raziskave so bili zelo spodbudni in zaključek prve stopnje raziskave je nakazoval visok tržni potencial za nov izdelek. S poglobljeno analizo in podrobnim vprašalnikom s senzoričnim testiranjem pa smo pridobili rezultate, ki so se kritično razlikovali od prvotno načrtovane strategije. Uporaba senzoričnih testov s potrošniki, in sicer preferenčnega testa in JAR (just about right-ravno prav) testa, je ovrgla visoka pričakovanja iz prve raziskovalne faze in pokazala, da je čokoladni okus glavni motiv všečnosti desertnega preliva.Ključne besede: živila / novi živilski izdelki / sladki preliv / teran /potrošniki / senzorična analiza / test preferenc / hedonski test / op...