Mid-infrared (IR) spectroscopy, which is a rapid and relatively small amount of waste producing technique, was used to predict several quality parameters of two types of alcoholic beverages, wine and raki. Mid-infrared spectra of red, rose and white wines and a traditional aniseed alcoholic beverage, raki were collected and relations were established between measured chemical parameters (pH, brix, total phenol content, anthocyanin content, titratable acidity, sugar content, electrical conductivity and some colour parameters) of these beverages and their infrared spectra using chemometric techniques. Partial least square regression provided excellent prediction of total phenol (R 2 00.97) and anthocyanin contents (R 2 00.98) of wine samples and a good prediction of pH (R 2 00.9), brix (R 2 00.92) and colour intensity (R 2 00.93) values were obtained. Brix, total phenol and sugar content of raki samples were also estimated very successfully (R 2 00.99) for raki and good prediction was obtained with pH value. Mid-IR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics could be a promising technique for determination of several quality parameters of alcoholic beverages simultaneously and rapidly.