Overlap of NMR signals is the major cause of difficulties associated with NMR structure elucidation of molecules contained in complex mixtures. A 2D homonuclear correlation spectroscopy in particular suffers from low dispersion of 1 H chemical shifts; larger dispersion of 13 C chemical shifts is often used to reduce this overlap, while still providing the proton-proton correlation information e.g. in the form of a 2D 1 H, 13 C HSQC-TOCSY experiment. For this methodology to work, 13 C chemical shift must be resolved. In case of 13 C chemical shifts overlap, 1 H chemical shifts can be used to achieve the desired resolution. The proposed (3, 2)D 1 H, 13 C BIRD r,X -HSQC-TOCSY experiment achieves this while preserving singlet character of cross peaks in the F 1 dimension. The required high-resolution in the 13 C dimension is thus retained, while the cross peak overlap occurring in a regular HSQC-TOCSY experiment is eliminated. The method is illustrated on the analysis of a complex carbohydrate mixture obtained by depolymerisation of a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate isolated from the body wall of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali.