The design and analysis of a fuel cell vehicle-to-grid (FCV2G) system with a high voltage conversion interface is proposed. The system aims to maximize the utilization of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) as distributed energy resources, allowing them to actively participate in the energy market. The proposed FCV2G system has FCVs, power electronics interfaces, and the electrical grid. The power electronics interfaces are responsible for converting the low-voltage output of the fuel cell stack into high-voltage DC power, and ensuring efficient power transfer between the FCVs and the grid. To optimize the operation of the FCV2G system, the momentum search algorithm (MSA) is employed. By applying MSA, the FCV2G system can achieve optimal power dispatch, considering factors such as energy efficiency, grid stability, and economic feasibility. The proposed method is tested in MATLAB. The best MSA and dynamic load profile solutions are run for 24 h and the results show that 100% import of FCVs 51.0% more than 100% electric vehicle. Peak-cutting and vehicle-to-grid service revenue are 30.5% and 95.0% greater, respectively. Low discharge loss, high capacity, and high discharge power are the main advantages of FCVs. The benchmark FCVs ratio of 15% is used for sensitivity analysis. The findings reveal that the overall advantages of FCV2G are improved.