Original scientific papers Choosing a career affects individuals' social life deeply in terms of many dimensions. However, choosing the right career is becoming increasingly difficult given the existence of an increasing number of professions and training opportunities. Consequently, the importance of career orientation increases. In this study, a system that can automatically offer vocational guidance has been developed. This new system is referred to as WEB-CGS (webbased carrier guidance system) and works as a fuzzy logic based web service. The aim is that it will make it easier for an individual to choose the right profession. In this system, students' prior educational successes and teachers' views were integrated in a manner which made it possible to identify the students' professional interests and capacities. The system forecasts vocational school students' interest with regard to Information Technology, ElectricsElectronics, Accounting, and Automotive. Promising results were obtained with regard to 300 unbiased 9 th grade students in terms of orienting them towards an appropriate profession.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; career guidance; higher education; student profiling
Novi sustav profesionalnog usmjeravanja zasnovan na neizrazitoj logici: WEB-CGSIzvorni znanstveni članak Izbor zanimanja na mnogo načina uvelike utječe na društveni život pojedinaca. Ipak, izbor odgovarajuće karijere postaje sve teži kad se uzme u obzir postojanje sve većeg broja zanimanja i mogućnosti usmjeravanja. Shodno tome, sve je veća važnost profesionalnog usmjeravanja. U ovom se radu razvija sustav pomoću kojega se automatski može ponuditi profesionalno usmjeravanje. To je WEB-CGS (web-based carrier guidance system) koji funkcionira kao web usluga koja se zasniva na neizrazitoj (fuzzy) logici. Cilj je olakšati pojedincu izbor odgovarajućeg zanimanja. U tom sustavu integrirani su prethodni uspjesi u obrazovanju učenika i mišljenja nastavnika te je omogućeno prepoznavanje profesionalnih interesa i mogućnosti učenika. Sustav predviđa interes učenika za usmjeravanje u području informacijske tehnologije, elektrike-elektronike, računovodstva i industrije automobila. Postignuti su obećavajući rezultati usmjeravanja za 300 neopredijeljenih studenata 9. razreda u strukovnoj srednjoj školi.