We discuss calculations of synthetic spectra for the interpretation and analysis of K-shell and bound-free emission from argon-doped deuterium-filled OMEGA direct-drive implosion cores. The spectra are computed using a model that considers collisional-radiative atomic kinetics, continuum-lowering, detailed Stark-broadened line shapes, line overlapping, and radiation transport effects. The photon energy range covers the moderately optically thick n = 3 -• n = 1 and n = 4 -• n = 1 line transitions in He-and H-like Ar, their associated satellite lines in Li-and He-like Ar, and several radiative recombination edges. At the high-densities characteristic of implosion cores, the radiative recombination edges substantially shift to lower energies thus overlapping with several line transitions. We discuss the application of the spectra to spectroscopic analysis of doped implosion cores.