Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) contributes its own set of microRNAs (miRNAs) during lytic infection of cells, likely finetuning conditions important for viral replication. To enhance our understanding of this component of the HCMV-host transcriptome, we have conducted deep-sequencing analysis of small RNAs (smRNA-seq) from infected human fibroblast cells. We found that HCMV-encoded miRNAs accumulate to ϳ20% of the total smRNA population at late stages of infection, and our analysis led to improvements in viral miRNA annotations and identification of two novel HCMV miRNAs, miR-US22 and miRUS33as. Both of these miRNAs were capable of functionally repressing synthetic targets in transient transfection experiments. Additionally, through cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) of Argonaute (Ago)-bound RNAs from infected cells, followed by high-throughput sequencing, we have obtained direct evidence for incorporation of all HCMV miRNAs into the endogenous host silencing machinery. Surprisingly, three HCMV miRNA precursors exhibited differential incorporation of their mature miRNA arms between Ago2 and Ago1 complexes. Host miRNA abundances were also affected by HCMV infection, with significant upregulation observed for an miRNA cluster containing miR-96, miR-182, and miR-183. In addition to miRNAs, we also identified novel forms of virus-derived smRNAs, revealing greater complexity within the smRNA population during HCMV infection.
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a member of the herpesvirus family, is prevalent in the majority of the global population and the main viral cause of birth defects (19). HCMV is capable of infecting a wide variety of human cell types in vivo and is known to establish a latent form of infection that persists throughout the life of the host. Immunocompromised patients are especially susceptible to problems associated with infection, further motivating HCMV studies.Expression of virus-encoded microRNAs (miRNAs) likely contributes to the molecular transformation necessary for productive infection in human cells. Since the initial discovery of viral miRNAs in 2004 (24), several viruses have been documented to express their own sets of miRNAs (4,5,7,11,12,23). These small RNAs (smRNAs) are highly attractive from a viral standpoint in that they require minimal space within the genome and potentially offer a robust mechanism for specific targeting of host defense genes. HCMV is known to encode at least 11 miRNA precursors that are expressed and processed into mature miRNAs during infection (12).High-throughput sequencing approaches have been instrumental in recent viral miRNA studies, acquiring a level of resolution that was previously unachievable through cloning efforts (17,27,36). Deep-sequencing approaches have not been extended to smRNA analysis of HCMV-infected cells, and previous microarray-based studies were limited in assessing only host miRNA levels (30,37). Thus, we set out to conduct a more comprehensive analysis by deep sequencing all smRNAs (smRNA-seq) from HCMV Towne-infected human f...