Full scale field tests of the Up-Flo filter have been conducted at the Bama Belle Riverwalk parking lot test site in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the past several years. Forty storm events have been monitored and sampled, and these field performance results indicate that the Up-Flo filter has excellent removals for particulates during a wide-range of hydraulic-rainfall conditions. Total suspended solids removal was about 82% for influent concentrations ranging from 11 mg/L to 571 mg/L; suspended solids concentration flow-weighted removal was about 90%; flow-weighted turbidity removal about 61%. Particle size distribution analysis determined that the influent median particle size of the 40 sampled storms was about 460µm and about 45 µm for the effluent. Nutrient reductions were about 37% and 17% for total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively. Metal reductions ranging from about 54% to 76% for total copper, 67% to 98% for total lead, and 79% to 83% for total zinc. Bacteria reductions were 53% for E. coli. and 57% for Enterococci. Additional event data are being collected and will be further analyzed to examine performance behavior as a function of a wide range of rainfall and runoff conditions.