In quantum embedding theories, a quantum many-body system is divided into localized clusters of sites which are treated with an accurate 'high-level' theory and glued together selfconsistently by a less accurate 'low-level' theory at the global scale. The recently introduced variational embedding approach for quantum many-body problems combines the insights of semidefinite relaxation and quantum embedding theory to provide a lower bound on the groundstate energy that improves as the cluster size is increased. The variational embedding method is formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP), which can suffer from poor computational scaling when treated with black-box solvers. We exploit the interpretation of this SDP as an embedding method to develop an algorithm which alternates parallelizable local updates of the high-level quantities with updates that enforce the low-level global constraints. Moreover, we show how translation invariance in lattice systems can be exploited to reduce the complexity of projecting a key matrix to the positive semidefinite cone.
PreliminariesIn this section we review the formulation of variational embedding for quantum spins, following [21]. In Appendix A, we review the case of fermions (also following [21]), which requires a bit more care but nonetheless yields a semidefinite program of identical form after suitable manipulations.
The ground-state eigenvalue problemWe consider a model with M sites, indexed i = 1, . . . , M , each endowed with a classical local state space X i (which shall be discrete). These in turn yields local quantum state spaces Q i = C |Xi| . The