We consider the relaxed online strip packing problem: Rectangular items arrive online and have to be packed without rotations into a strip of fixed width such that the packing height is minimized. Thereby, repacking of previously packed items is allowed. The amount of repacking is measured by the migration factor, defined as the total size of repacked items divided by the size of the arriving item. First, we show that no algorithm with constant migration factor can produce solutions with asymptotic ratio better than 4/3. Against this background, we allow amortized migration, i. e. to save migration for a later time step. As a main result, we present an AFPTAS with asymptotic ratio 1 + O ( ) for any > 0 and amortized migration factor polynomial in 1/ . To our best knowledge, this is the first algorithm for online strip packing considered in a repacking model.
PreliminariesSince strip packing is NP-hard [1], research focuses on efficient approximation algorithms. Let A(I) denote the packing height of algorithm A on input I and OPT(I) the minimum packing height. The absolute (approximation) ratio is defined as sup I A(I)/ OPT(I) while the asymptotic (approximation) ratio as lim sup OPT(I)→∞ A(I)/ OPT(I). A family of algorithms {A } >0 is called polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS), when A runs in polynomial-time in the input length and has absolute ratio 1 + . If the running time is also polynomial in 1/ , we call {A } >0 fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS). Similarly, the terms APTAS and AFPTAS are defined using the asymptotic ratio.All ratios of online algorithms in the following are competitive, i. e. online algorithms are compared with an optimal offline algorithm.
Related WorkOffline Strip packing is one of the classical packing problems and receives ongoing research interest in the field of combinatorial optimization. Since Baker, Coffman and Rivest [1] gave the first algorithm with asymptotic ratio 3, strip packing was investigated in many studies, considering both asymptotic and absolute approximation ratios. We refer the reader to [6] for a survey. A well-known result is the AFPTAS by Kenyon and Rémila [21]. Concerning the absolute ratio, currently the best known algorithm of ratio 5/3 + for any > 0 is by Harren et al. [14].An interesting result was given by Han et al. in 2007. In [13], they studied the relation between bin packing and strip packing and developed a framework between both problems. For the offline case it is shown that any bin packing algorithm can be applied to strip packing while maintaining the same asymptotic ratio.Online The first algorithm for online strip packing was given by Baker and Schwarz [2] in 1983. Using the concept of shelf algorithms [1], they derived the algorithm First-Fit-Shelf with asymptotic ratio arbitrary close to 1.7 and absolute ratio 6.99 (where all rectangles have height at most h max = 1). Later, Csirik and Woeginger [8] showed a lower bound of h ∞ ≈ 1.69 on the asymptotic ratio of shelf algorithms and gave an improved shelf algorithm with a...