by X-ray refl ectivity has shown that spray-pyrolysis fi lms of materials such as indium-gallium-zinc oxide have signifi cantly lower porosity than spin-coated fi lms of a comparable thickness, [ 12 ] ultimately leading to improved mobility and bias-stress stability.Although spray pyrolysis offers the potential to deposit highquality TCOs at a low cost over large areas, it remains a blanket deposition technique that requires more expensive patterning techniques such as photolithography and etching for fabricating multilayer patterned structures such as thin-fi lm transistors. [ 13 ] These additional patterning steps limit throughput and contribute additional process complexity and cost. [14][15][16] Thus, lacking integration with highly scalable patterning methods, spray pyrolysis may have limited practical applications in large-area-electronics as it remains, in some sense, a cheaper substitute for sputtering with the fl exibility of solutionprocessing. Although shadow-mask-based patterning has been demonstrated for spray-deposited metal oxide transistors, [ 17 ] the resolution (≈500 µm) and performance ( µ max ≈ 0.18 cm 2 V −1 s −1 ) were limited compared to reports of inkjet printed thin fi lm transistors (TFTs) fabricated at similar temperatures. [ 18 ] To fully realize the benefi ts of spray pyrolysis in thin fi lm oxide transistors, a new low cost patterning approach is required.Here, we leverage the high performance of TCO fi lms deposited via spray pyrolysis along with the fl exibility of drop-ondemand inkjet printing to demonstrate the selective deposition of scalable, high-performance metal oxide thin-fi lm transistors, addressing a technological need for high-throughput patterning of these materials, and providing a unique advantage over sputtering. Here, we show that the characteristic sensitivity of spray deposition to substrate surface energy offers the key to facilitating patterned fi lm growth in situ, using a hydrophobic polymer template obtained by low-cost, scalable printing techniques. By this versatile method, we fabricate high-performance oxide TFTs (mobility ≈ 30 cm 2 V −1 s −1 , subthreshold swing ≈ 400 mV dec −1 ) in which the semiconductor, gate dielectric and source-drain layers are all deposited using solution-processing techniques at a maximum processing temperature of 350 °C. In addition, we exploit the characteristic surface selectivity of the spray-pyrolysis deposition to fabricate conductive SnO 2 :Sb (antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO)) lines as narrow as 12 µm having a conductivity of 65 S cm −1 , which would otherwise be diffi cult to achieve by direct printing. To our knowledge, this is a fi rst demonstration of selectively deposited spray pyrolysis fi lms and a fi rst report of the integration of spray pyrolysis with printing for high-throughput patterning of metal oxide TFTs.Figure 1 a shows the process fl ow used in this work for patterning metal oxide TFTs by selective spray pyrolysis.