Abstract-To shed light on mechanisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) upregulation, we used a rabbit endothelial cell model to characterize intracellular pathways of -adrenergic stimulation. In these cells, ACE activity is increased by isoproterenol (ISO). The stably transfected 1273-bp ACE promoter is stimulated by ISO in the presence of isobutyl methylxanthine. This effect is abolished by propranolol. Promoter stimulation is mimicked by cholera toxin, forskolin, and 8BrcAMP, but not by 8BrcGMP. Promoter stimulation by ISO and isobutyl methylxanthine is blocked by protein kinase A inhibitors, indicating that -adrenergic stimulation of the ACE gene depends on phosphorylation of protein kinase A targets. Activation by cAMP, resistance to phorbol ester, and lack of synergism between cAMP and phorbol ester suggest that promoter regulation is due to cAMP responsive element rather than to activating protein-2 sequences. Okadaic acid potentiation of 8BrcAMP induction indicated that promoter activation by cAMP is regulated by phosphatases controlling activation of typical cAMP responsive element regulated genes. In summary, -adrenergic activation of rat ACE promoter is specific; uses G s proteins, adenylyl cyclase, protein kinase A; and probably includes cAMP responsive element-like sequences. (Hypertension. 1999;34:31-38.)Key Words: angiotensin-converting enzyme Ⅲ endothelium Ⅲ receptors, adrenergic, beta Ⅲ cyclic AMP Ⅲ luciferase A ngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is the most important enzyme controlling the activation of angiotensin peptides and the inactivation of kinins. 1 Tissue ACE distribution is wide, 1 which suggests that control of ACE gene expression depends on the particular cell type and environment or, alternatively, that ACE gene expression is controlled by a restricted array of non-cell-specific mechanisms. In cultured cells, expression of the endothelial ACE variant is modulated by hormones, 2-4 ionophores, 5 second messengers, 5 and growth factors. 6 Cardiac hypertrophy is one of the most likely pathophysiological conditions in which tissuespecific regulation of endothelial ACE might play an important role. 7-9 Strong evidence implicates the renin-angiotensin system, and ACE in particular, in the development of hypertrophy. 10 It is known that angiotensin II acts either as a hypertrophic or growth factor agent 9 ; that ACE and ACE mRNA (as well as angiotensinogen and its mRNA) are increased in early cardiac hypertrophy 7,8 ; and that ACE inhibitors prevent the development, ameliorate the course, and reduce the mortality of ventricular hypertrophy. 10 Recently, a histochemical study suggested that endothelial cells are the main cell type expressing ACE in the heart. 11 However, only a few studies have been done to understand the molecular basis of renin-angiotensin system activation and, in particular, of ACE upregulation in endothelial cells. 2,4,12,13 Surprisingly, the molecular mechanisms underlying cAMP induction of ACE activity have not yet been explored. The cAMP regulated pathway is ...