Secretin-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (S-MRCP) provides a non-invasive way, with which, to evaluate pancreatic duct (PD) anatomy and exocrine pancreatic function. S-MRCP can be added to the routine pancreas MR examination in equivocal cases. Moreover, it can detect subtle PD involvement, allowing diagnosis of early, rather than end-stage, pancreatic diseases. Although S-MRCP is a valuable non-invasive diagnostic method, it is only performed in a few centres due to relative high cost. Furthermore, less familiarity with its indications, the examination technique, and image interpretation also contribute to its limited use. Thus, the purpose of this article is to explain secretin's mechanism of action, the examination technique, the clinically relevant indications, the advantages, and limitations. Finally, we will focus on image analysis and its role in achieving an early and accurate diagnosis of specific pancreatic and PD diseases.