Although in the last years surgery for urinary diversion became routine in clinical practise, various problems have to be solved. Therefore, a safe, universal animal model is necessary. An ileal pouch anastomosed to the subtotally resected urinary bladder was formed in 6 domestic pigs. Ureters remained untouched and the reservoir was not drained by any tubes. Animals were followed up for 3 months, every 3–4 weeks blood was drawn for electrolytes, renal and hepatic function and blood gas analysis. The animals were sacrificed after 3 months and a thorough pathohistological examination of the reservoir was performed. No intraoperative or operation-related postoperative complications were seen. Laboratory parameters were stable and no micturition problems appeared. Upper urinary tract was normal. The animal model presented is safe with regard to inflammatory or metabolic side effects and to disturbances of supravesical urinary tract. Therefore, this model is suitable to serve for short- as well as long-term studies of various forms of urinary diversions.