The current s tudy explores whether mindfulness mediates the rela tionships between borderline pers onality fea tures and the fa cets of i mpulsi vi ty a nd borderline personality features and rejection sensiti vi ty. The sample consisted of 419 i ndividuals aged between 20 and 39 (M = 26.24, SD = 4.67). Da ta were collected using the Borderline Personali ty Inventory, Mi ndful Attention Awa reness Scale, Urgency, Premedi ta tion, Perseverance, and Sensation-Seeking Impulsi vi ty Scale, and rejection sensiti vi ty ques tionnaire. Mediation anal ysis of the da ta was conducted using the PROCESS ma cro of Ha yes . It was found that mi ndfulness pa rtiall y media tes the relationship between borderline personali ty fea tures and urgency (N = (419) R 2 = (0.22), F = (120.67), p < 0.001), a nd borderline personality fea tures and sensation-seeking fa cets of i mpulsi ve beha viours (N = (419) R 2 = (0.08), F = (36.62), p < 0.001). The study's findings a re dis cussed in rela tion to the exis ting litera ture.Keywords : Borderline personali ty features, mindfulness , i mpulsi vi ty, rejection sensiti vi ty.