Adenovirus DNA encapsidation is a process that remains poorly understood. Several studies have shown that packaging of the adenovirus genome is dependent on cis-acting DNA elements comprising the packaging sequence, located at the left end of the genome between nucleotides (nt) 194 and 380 in adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) (3, 9, 13, 21). More recently, studies have focused on characterizing viral components involved in packaging that specifically interact with the packaging sequence as well as other factors that interact with these components. The packaging sequence contains at least seven functional units, called A repeats (3,4,13,22). At least two viral proteins, L1 52/55-kDa and IVa2, are involved in packaging sequence interactions (19,20,30,32).The IVa2 protein is a viral product that was first reported to be a transcriptional activator of the adenovirus major late promoter (16,17,26). More recently, the IVa2 protein was found to bind directly to the A repeats in the packaging domain in vitro and in vivo (19,20,30). The IVa2 protein is present in assembly intermediates and mature virions (7,11,28). Characterization of a IVa2 mutant virus, pm8002, demonstrated that no viral particles were formed during infection although gene expression and viral DNA replication were not affected (31). These results support an essential role for the IVa2 protein in virus assembly and suggest that it is involved in DNA packaging.The L1 52/55-kDa protein is a nonstructural nuclear phosphoprotein that migrates as a doublet on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. It is detected in empty capsids and assembly intermediates but is not found in mature virions, which suggests a scaffolding role for this protein (11). In infections with the temperature-sensitive mutant virus H5ts369, which produces a nonfunctional L1 52/55-kDa protein at the nonpermissive temperature, empty capsids associated with the left end of the viral genome form at the nonpermissive temperature (12). A more pronounced phenotype occurs in infections with the pm8001 mutant virus, which is unable to produce the L1 52/55-kDa protein. This virus has normal early and late viral gene expression and DNA replication but produces empty capsids with no associated viral DNA (7).Recently, we and others demonstrated that the L1 52/55-kDa protein binds to the packaging sequence in vivo by using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays (19,20). This interaction might be mediated by another protein, since purified L1 52/55-kDa protein did not bind to the packaging sequence in vitro even in the presence of the IVa2 protein, which is known to bind to the packaging sequence (20). Although the IVa2 and L1 proteins interact in infected cells (8), the interaction is not required for binding of either protein to the DNA since the packaging sequence can be immunoprecipitated from pm8001-infected cells with antibody against the IVa2 protein or from pm8002-infected cells with antibody against the L1 protein (20).To further investigate the role of the L1 52/55-kDa protein in adeno...