The adoption of complex and technologically advanced integrated circuits (ICs) in safetycritical applications (e.g., in automotive) forced the introduction of new solutions to guarantee the achievement of the required reliability targets. One of these solutions lies in performing in-field test (i.e., the test performed when the device is already deployed in the mission environment) to detect faults that may arise in this phase of electronic circuit life. In this scenario, one increasingly adopted approach is based on the software test libraries (STLs), i.e., suitable code which is run by the CPU included in the system and is able to detect the existence of possible permanent faults both in the CPU itself and in the rest of the system. In order to assess the effectiveness of the STLs, fault simulation is performed, so that the achieved fault coverage (e.g., in terms of stuck-at faults) can be computed. This paper explains why the fault simulation of the STLs represents a different problem with respect to the classical fault simulation of test stimuli (for which very effective algorithms and tools are available), shows why it can be highly computationally expensive, and overviews some solutions to reduce the computational cost and possibly trade-off between results accuracy and cost.