Mutations in the ultralong vascular protein von Willebrand factor (VWF) cause the common human bleeding disorder, von Willebrand disease (VWD). The A1 domain in VWF binds to glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) on platelets, in a reaction triggered, in part, by alterations in flow during bleeding. Gain-of-function mutations in A1 and GPIbα in VWD suggest conformational regulation. We report that force application switches A1 and/or GPIbα to a second state with faster on-rate, providing a mechanism for activating VWF binding to platelets. Switching occurs near 10 pN, a force that also induces a state of the receptor−ligand complex with slower off-rate. Force greatly increases the effects of VWD mutations, explaining pathophysiology. Conversion of single molecule k on (s −1 ) to bulk phase k on (s −1 M −1 ) and the k on and k off values extrapolated to zero force for the low-force pathways show remarkably good agreement with bulk-phase measurements.U nderstanding how force affects receptor and ligand binding and unbinding is a long-standing effort in mechanobiology (1-5). Bond dissociation rates typically increase under mechanical stress; however, bond stability can be enhanced through specialized mechanisms induced by force, including catch bonds and switching to a slip bond with a slower off-rate (flex bonds) (6, 7). Bond formation against an applied force has recently been measured (8). Force-regulated switching to a faster on-rate has not yet been reported for any receptor−ligand bond but would have important biological implications for adhesion in environments with high forces such as the circulation.At sites of vascular injury, hydrodynamic force in the bloodstream acting on von Willebrand factor (VWF) is pivotal in regulating the binding of the VWF A1 domain to GPIbα on platelets and commencing the crosslinking of platelets by VWF to form a platelet plug (9-11). VWF circulates in the form of long, disulfidebonded concatemers, with tens to hundreds of monomers, which mostly adopt a compact, irregularly coiled conformation during normal hemodynamics (12). At sites of hemorrhage, flow changes from shear to elongational. On transition from low to high shear and from shear to elongational flow, irregularly coiled molecules extend to a thread-like shape, and elongational (tensile) force is exerted throughout their lengths (13-16). Molecular elongation exposes the multiple A1 binding sites in VWF concatamers for multivalent binding to GPIbα (9,11,14,(16)(17)(18).In vivo, tensile force transmitted through VWF is applied to the N and C termini of individual domains, and could theoretically change A1 domain conformation before binding to GPIbα. Although this scenario has not yet been observed, single-molecule studies demonstrate two distinct force-dependent dissociation pathways (flex-bond behavior) of the wild-type (WT) A1-GPIbα complex, and thus suggest that two conformational states can be present after formation of the receptor−ligand complex (6).Mutations in VWF cause von Willebrand disease (VWD), the most common human heri...