Numerically exact simulations of quantum reaction dynamics, including non-adiabatic effects in excited electronic states, are essential to gain fundamental insights into ultrafast chemical reactivity and rigorous interpretations of molecular spectroscopy. Here, we introduce the tensor-train split-operator KSL (TT-SOKSL) method for quantum simulations in tensor-train (TT)/matrix product state (MPS) representations. TT-SOKSL propagates the quantum state as a tensor train using the Trotter expansion of the time-evolution operator, as in the tensor-train split-operator Fourier transform (TT-SOFT) method. However, the exponential operators of the Trotter expansion are applied using a rank adaptive TT-KSL scheme instead of using the scaling and squaring approach as in TT-SOFT. We demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of TT-SOKSL as applied to simulations of the photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore in rhodopsin, including non-adiabatic dynamics at a conical intersection of potential energy surfaces. The quantum evolution is described in full dimensionality by a time-dependent wavepacket evolving according to a two-state 25-dimensional model Hamiltonian. We find that TT-SOKSL converges faster than TT-SOFT with respect to the maximally allowed memory requirement of the tensor-train representation and