The failure of Cancer Crusade revealed extraordinary need to elaborate of more productive paradigm of cancer. The goal of this article is to search and reveal epidemiological, clinical, genetic and immunological evidence of the entirely innovative hypothesis of the xenogamous origin and unique parasite subsistence of human cancer. The investigation was grounded on a multidisciplinary integrative reassessment and reinterpretation of both the current and newest data on cancer from the viewpoint of recent achievements in epidemiology, immunology, molecular interspecies ecology and the theory of biological evolution. It is shown that the multiplicity of traits that belong to cancer are performed by a causative agent of the disease, an unique biological entity that evolved to invade the human body and to subsist in it at the expense of the materials, energy and functions of the invaded organism over consecutive stages of cancer subsistence, beginning from the invasion of victim's with cancerous gamete and finishing with the sexual transmission of cancer among people. The results achieved and the conclusions reached provide a new framework and new landmarks for understanding cancer epidemics and encourage new proposals for cancer prevention and therapy by means of newly oriented genetic, immunological and molecular ecological approaches.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe goal of this article was to search and reveal far more exhaustive epidemiological, clinical, genetic and immunological evidence of the new hypothesis regarding epidemiological and clinical bases of cancerous disease. The investigations were grounded on a multidisciplinary integrative reassessment and reinterpretation of the current data on cancer from the viewpoint of recent achievements of epidemiology, immunology, molecular ecology and the theory of biological evolution. It should be noted that although the present article is devoted to conclusive Sergey N.Rumyantsev
ARC Journal of Cancer SciencePage | 12 version of ‗The Hypothesis of Cancer Xenogamous Origin and Circle of Life', the completeness of its evidence was ensured by the inclusion in the text of relevant excerpts out of previously published separate discoveries each of which revealed various evidence of origin and current subsistence of cancer. Publication of whole hypothesis without these inclusions could crash the complex of its evidence. The investigations were based on a multidisciplinary integrative reassessment and reinterpretation of relevant current data about cancer according to sufficient details of methods described in previous publications [4-6;8-15] The focus was on the functions of hereditary immunity in cancer epidemiology, heritability and pathogenesis over consecutive stages of cancer subsistence. Special attention was given to hereditary immunity to physiological agents and the phenomenon of hereditary immune mosaics [16;17].
Hereditary CancerSeveral studies have suggested a role of host genetics in cancer immunity and susceptibility.Countless candidate gen...