This paper gives an overview on photonics for photovoltaic systems. Starting from the spectral and angular distribution of the electromagnetic radiation from the sun, many important optical approaches how to improve the efficiency of solar cells are presented and discussed. Topics include antireflec-1 Introduction The conversion of solar energy to electrical energy by using photovoltaic (PV) cells is one of the key elements of the future energy supply of mankind. Researchers in the field of photovoltaics are faced with the problem how to increase the efficiency of this conversion process for reasonable cost. The solution is related to optics to a large part. By optimizing the optics, the number of photons which are converted by the semiconductor material can be maximized. First of all, optical approaches are necessary to avoid losses by reflection or unwanted absorption which does not generate charge carriers. As an example, part of the solar radiation incident on a typical PV module made out of crystalline silicon solar cells can already be reflected at the air-glass interface or be absorbed in the glass pane or the lamination material before reaching the solar cell. Further, the light has to be trapped efficiently within the cell. And the photon energy is far away from being optimized. Due to the large range of wavelengths in the solar spectrum almost all photons have the wrong energy because the photon energy may exceed the bandgap energy of the semiconductor or fall below that. In the first case, the photon generates an electron-hole pair and the excess energy is thermalized, in the second case the photon is transmitted or absorbed without generating an electron-hole pair, e.g. by free carriers. Only photons with exactly the energy of the band gap of the semiconductor are generating electron-hole pairs with the maximum efficiency. Thus, the researcher is faced with the need for spectral control of the incident photons.