The virtual-reality framework AVATAR (Advanced Virtual Approach to Topological Analysis of Reactivity) for the immersive exploration of potential-energy landscapes is presented. AVATAR is based on modern consumer-grade virtual-reality technology and builds on two key concepts: (a) the reduction of the dimensionality of the potential-energy surface to two process-tailored, physically meaningful generalized coordinates, and (b) the analogy between the evolution of a chemical process and a pathway through valleys (potential wells) and mountain passes (saddle points) of the associated potential energy landscape. Examples including the discovery of competitive reaction paths in simple A + BC collisional systems and the interconversion between conformers in ring-puckering motions of flexible rings highlight the innovation potential that augmented and virtual reality convey for teaching, training, and supporting research in chemistry. K E Y W O R D S atom diatom reactions, immersive virtual reality, potential energy surface, ring puckering motions 1 | INTRODUCTION As well known, rigorous simulations of molecular processes should be based on the solution of the Schrödinger equation for the wavefunction of the involved nuclei and electrons, which is usually cast in its nonrelativistic time-independent form with a Hamiltonian including a kinetic term for the electronsT e , a kinetic term for the nucleiT N , and an interaction-potential term V (r, R), with r and R being the set of spatial coordinates of electrons and nuclei, respectively.This equation is seldom solved as is, due to the associated mathematical difficulties and computational cost. More commonly, on the grounds that the nuclei are much heavier than the electrons, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation [1] is adopted and the problem is broken down in two separate problems, one for the motion of the electrons at a given nuclear geometry:T