In this report, we will compare advanced sub-1nm CMOS technologies for photonic, millimeter wave, and quantum processors. Ultra-low series resistance threshold-less LED or laser, tunnel microwave diode [1], and photon sensors can be integrated in CMOS as one integral transistor. These devices form a positive feedback look for higher output current and switching speed. CMOS LED or laser can respond to DC signals. For millimeter wave diodes [2]-[7], an additional AC source needs to be connected to the CMOS in order to produce microwaves. Since both laser and microwave diodes are in the same CMOS drain region, generation of microwaves can be amplified by the photons from the laser, especially when avalanche breakdown millimeter wave diodes (IMPATT, BARITT) are fabricated in parallel with the photon emitting diodes. Millimeter wave CMOS output power (dBm) vs. materials (InP, GaAs, Si, SiGe) and input frequencies will be presented. CMOS switching speeds and output currents can be substantially improved using special layout design integrating both laser and microwave devices in the same CMOS transistor. S parameter analysis will be discussed.