Sharing economy has actually been around since ancient times, where people do by way of barter in conducting its activities. Over time, in practice the sharing economy which was originally in the conventional way already exists by using technology, but even though there are those who use conventional technology still exists today, such as the practice of sharing economy that occurs at the Ujung Baru Village Night Market in Tanah Laut. This study aimed to analyze the practice of sharing economy Mala Marketland in the village of Ujung Baru Land sea. Researchers in this study, using descriptive methods with a qualitative approach and collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The model used in the data analysis technique of this study is the model Miles and Huberman. The results show, in the practice of sharing land economies in the Ujung Baru Village Night Market, Tanah Laut, there is a new form of sharing economy in the global world that is putting directly reflecting the existence of typical Indonesian values based on the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila, although it is still not understood by the community and sharing economy that occurs in the Night Market of Ujung Baru Tanah Laut Village, which is not using technology to acquire and provide land.