Both wild-type (521 -WT) and hrpD-621-533) strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola induced the formation of large paramural papillae in lettuce (Lacfuca sativa) mesophyll cells adjacent to bacterial colonies. Localized alterations to the plant cell wall included deposition of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, phenolics, and callose, and were associated with proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum and multivesicular bodies. Tissue collapse during the hypersensitive reaction caused by S21 -WT was associated with electrolyte leakage and rapid accumulation of the phytoalexin lettucenin A, both of which followed membrane damage indicated by the failure of mesophyll cells to plasmolyze. A few cells lost the ability to plasmolyze after inoculation with S21-533, and low levels of lettucenin A were recorded, but neither leakage of electrolytes nor tissue collapse were detected. Dysfunction of the plasma membrane in cells adjacent to colonies of S21-WT led to extensive vacuolation of the cytoplasm, organelle disruption, and cytoplasmic collapse-changes unlike those occurring in cells undergoing apoptosis. Strain S21-533 remained viable within symptomless tissue, whereas cells of S21-WT were killed as a consequence of the hypersensitive reaction. Our observations emphasize the subtle coordination of the plant's response occurring at the subcellular Ievel.