Coenogonium interplexum Nyl. is a green to yellow‐orange filamentous lichen commonly found on tree bark, rocks, and soil. The mycobiont is the ascomycetous fungus Coenogonium. The ultrastructure of the lichenized phycobiont, Trentepohlia, closely resembles that of the non‐lichenized form, a filamentous subaerial green alga. The mycobiont has a typical fungal ultrastructure, and the cell wall sometimes appears thinner at points of contact with the phycobiont wall. Several branched fungal hyphae are usually randomly arranged around a Trentepohlia filament, and may in some cases completely ensheath the alga. Although no haustoria were observed, this relationship may still be termed a lichen since there is some modification of the alga and the lichen is structurally distinct from the two symbionts.