Chilli, the essential condiment and popular vegetable is a lucrative commercial crop of India. Despite large area under chilli cultivation, the production is far from satisfactory. The sensitivity of most of the cultivars to a variety of diseases is one of the factors for low pro ductivity. A great emphasis has already been laid on the economic aspects of plant diseases on major crops. To overcome the plant disease problem, use of plant protection chemicals has become a necessary and accepted practice in agriculture. They provide a dependable, rapid, effective and economical means of controlling the majority of crop pests. While the use of the chemicals to control diseases is indispensable, the frequent indiscriminate use may have many undesirable consequences (Srihari Raddy and Madhusudhana Rao 1981, 1982). The present investigation was carried out in order to elucidate the effect of two fungicides Bavistin and Deltan on germination, survival, meiosis and pollen fertility in relation to yield and yield components in chilli employing x235 a popular local variety as the experimental material.
Materials and methodsTwo fungicides Bavistin (2-methyl benzimidazole carbamate) and Deltan (n-(trichloro methyl thio)-4-cyclohexene-1, 2-dicarboximide) of three different concentrations each (0.04%, 0.08%, 0.12% and 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%) were selected. For germination and survival studies 300 healthy seeds were soaked separately in different concentrations of the fungicides for 48 hours. After the treatment seeds were washed and allowed to germinate in petriplates. Germi nation counts were recorded on 15th day followed by the survival counts from 30 day-old seedlings sown in pots.Foliar application: Seeds were raised separately in a nursery bed and 40 day-old seedlings were transplanted in the field in a randomisedly designed blocks in three replications. After the crop attained the age of flowering, aqueous solutions of the aforementioned fungicides in three different concentrations were sprayed at regular intervals of 10 days each for four times. Plants sprayed with distilled water served as control. Meiotic studies were made using aceto carmine squash technique. Pollen viability was tested from the buds collected before anthesis at regular intervals of 5 days, after the completion of sprayings.To estimate the yield, fruits were collected from a total of 15 plants for each concentration covering all replications.
ObservationsThe data on germination and seedling survival are represented in Fig. I A