“…Secondary structures of eukaryal RNase P RNAs+ Nucleotides that are absolutely conserved in archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryal RNase P RNAs are circled+ The nomenclature for these conserved regions (CRs) is that of Chen and Pace (1997)+ Helices are numbered based on their putative homology to bacterial structures (Haas et al+, 1994)+ Eukaryal helices of uncertain homology to particular bacterial or archaeal structures, but which occur at the same positions in the structures are designated "eP", for eukaryal paired region+ Lower-case nucleotides represent primer sequences+ ( Figure continues on facing page.) Pitulle et al+, 1998) and provide numerous examples of sequence covariations that support the existence of the conserved helices depicted in Figure 2 (i+e+, P3, P4, eP9, P10/11, P12)+ The revised fungal secondary structure models differ from previously proposed fungal RNase P RNA structures (Tranguch & Engelke, 1993) in predicting the existence of helix eP8+ Sequence alignments of both eP8 and eP9 (Fig+ 3) reveal many covarying base pairs that provide evidence for these hairpins+ All fungal eP8 hairpins, with the exception of those of Schizosaccharomyces spp+, contain NUGA tetraloops (the loops of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, in contrast, have the sequence GUGAG)+ With few exceptions, fungal eP9 hairpin loops are of the GNRA type+ In most instances, eP8 is found less than 2 nt 59 of eP9+ Although the spacing between eP8 and eP9 in Saccharomyces dairensis is 23 nt, the sequence alignments unambiguously identify these structures in S. dairensis+ Fungal eP8 and eP9 structures cannot be aligned readily at the primary sequence level with the proposed vertebrate structures+ However, the overall arrangement of helices in the P7/ eP8/eP9/P10/P11 regions of several fungal RNase P RNAs (e+g+, S. pombe, Pichia strasburgensis) is strikingly similar to that of most vertebrate RNase P RNAs (e+g+ Homo sapiens, Danio rerio)+ In these instances, eP8 and eP9, the only helices found in the short span of nucleotides that separates P7 from P10/11, are situated adjacent to P10/P11+ Consequently, we propose that the fungal and vertebrate examples of eP8 and eP9 are homologs, despite the absence of shared sequence identity+ The new sequence data do not support the existence of the previously proposed eukaryal pairing that corresponds to the bacterial helix P5 (Tranguch & Engelke, 1993; Chen & Pace, 1997)+ In bacterial and archaeal RNase P RNAs, helix P5 lies immediately adjacent to the 59 end of helix P4+ The complementarity required to form the corresponding helix generally is absent from the eukaryal sequences+ In H. sapiens, for instance (Fig+ 2), formation of P5 would require pairing of the trinucleotide A86-C87-U88 with G263-C262-G261+ Similarly, formation of P5 would re- quire U-U and G-G appositions in P. strasburgensis (Fig+ 2)+ Like P5, there is no sequence complementarity that would indicate a homolog of the bacterial and archaeal P6+ The apparent absence in the Eukarya of homologs of the bacterial/archaeal helix P5 and P6 may suggest a lack of structural rigidity between the core of eukaryal RNase P RNA (i+e+, helices P1, P2, P3, and P4, the catalytic center of the bacterial RNA) and the remainder of the RNA (i+e+, helices eP7, eP8, eP9, P10/11, and P12)+ In contrast to the known examples of vertebrate RNase P RNA, many of the fungal RNAs contain regions of extensive length variation, particularly in the region between helices eP7 and eP8 (e+g+, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii )+ In many cases, elements of secondary structure in these regions can be inferred from base complemen...…”