SUMMARY Studies have shown that the number of high-frequency QRS notches increases after myocardial infarction (MI). To assess overall high-frequency (> 80 Hz) potentials more quantitatively, we adapted a microprocessor system capable of averaging 256 QRS complexes to reduce noise. The QRS was digitally filtered and the root-mean-square (RMS) voltage of the residual (80-300 Hz) signal computed. High-frequency RMS values were significantly (p < 0.01) greater in leads II, III and aV7 in normal subjects (n = 12) than in patients with inferior infarction (n = 12). Similarly, high-frequency RMS values were higher (p < 0.01) in leads Vs and V, in normal subjects (n = 14) than in patients with prior anterior MI (n = 14 According to classic theory, high-frequency QRS components after MI are increased due to fragmentation of the depolarization wave front by fibrous tissue. ', 12 However, MI leads to a regional loss of electrical potentials, sometimes reflected by diminished QRS voltage or abnormal Q waves; slowing of conduction velocity due to ischemia or infarction may also attenuate high-frequency potentials. Therefore, one might predict a decrease in overall high-frequency QRS voltage after MI. Data from our laboratory'8 suggested that infarction may decrease high-frequency QRS potentials as evidenced by diminished peak amplitude of a filtered (80-300 Hz) QRS signal. To test this hypothesis quantitatively, we developed three techniques for measuring high-frequency QRS potentials. First, a commercially available microprocessor ECG system (Marquette Electronics) equipped with a signal-averaging program to reduce noise and a high-frequency band-pass filter was adapted. The analog high-frequency output of this system was digitized to compute its root-mean-square (RMS) value, a direct index of high-frequency voltage. Second, high-frequency potentials were quantitated by performing Fourier analysis on the unfiltered, signal-averaged QRS complexes. Third, we used the first derivative of the ECG.However, in contrast to other investigators,8 7, 11 who only evaluated QRS notches with the derivative, we also measured the amplitude of the QRS derivative.Methods and Patients The Marquette MAC-1 electrocardiograph is a portable microcomputer system designed for ECG signal averaging and for recording low-amplitude, high-frequency potentials. This system records standard leads I and II (or any two bipolar leads) directly.