Hrubošová-Hrmová D., Vytřasová J., Moťková P. (2011): Effect of selected fungicides on Fusarium growth and toxins production. Czech J. Food Sci., 29 (Special Issue): S69-S75.We examine the effects of selected fungicides on the Fusarium growth and toxins production especially of DON and T-2 toxins. Appropriate nutritive media were prepared containing different concentrations of the fungicides tested (Horizon 250 EW and Falcon 460 EC), inoculated with Fusarium moulds, and incubated under various conditions. The extraction of Fusarium toxins and their determination were carried out after the incubation using Agra Quant The presence of tri5 gene in the tested Fusarium strains, coding trichodiene synthase, was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The enzyme -trichodiene synthase -catalyses the isomerisation and cyclisation of farnesyl phosphate to trichodiene, the first step in the biosynthetic pathway of trichothecenes.