The High-Yield Lithium-Injection Fusion Energy (HYLIFE) concept to convert inertial confinement fusion energy into electric power has undergone intensive research and refinement at LLNL since 1978. This paper reports on the final HYLIFE design, focusing on five major areas: the HYLIFE reaction chamber (which includes neutronics, liquidmetal jet-array hydrodynamics, and structural design), supporting systems, primary steam system and balance of plant, safety and environmental protection, and costs. An annotated bibliography of reports applicable to HYLIFE is also provided. We conclude that HYLIFE is a particularly viable concept for the safe, clean produc tion of electrical energy. The liquid-metal jet array, HYLIFE's key design feature, protects the surrounding structural components from x rays, fusion fuel-pellet debris, neutron damage and activation, and high temperatures and stresses, allowing the structure to last for the plant's entire 30-year lifetime without being replaced. Liquid-metal inlets Central cavity Vacuum vessel Beam and pellet injection tubes Access hole •^/-Nojji^late Liquid-metal jet array Coolant channels Graphite neutron reflector First structural wall ion beams Liquid-metal outlets (to pumps)