Abstract. The work examines perspectives from the inclusion of the autonomicity and self-manageability features in the scope of Future Internet's (FI) deployment. Apart from the strategic importance for further evolution, we also discuss some major future challenges among which is the option for an effective network management (NM), as FI should possess a considerably enhanced network manageability capability. We examine a new network manageability paradigm that allows network elements (NEs) to: be autonomously interrelated/controlled; be dynamically adapted to changing environments, and; learn the desired behaviour over time, based on the original context of the Self-NET research project effort. As self-organizing and self-managing systems have a considerable market impact, we identify benefits for all market actors involved. In addition, we incorporate some recent, but very promising experimental findings, mainly based on the context of a specific use-case for network coverage and capacity optimization, highlighting the way towards developing specific NM-related solutions, able to be adopted by the real market sector. We conclude with some essential arising issues.