Abstract. In this talk, we give the formulation of Quantum Hall Effects (QHEs) on the complex Grassmann manifolds Gr2(C N ). We set up the Landau problem in Gr2(C N ), solve it using group theoretical techniques and provide the energy spectrum and the eigenstates in terms of the SU (N ) Wigner D-functions for charged particles on Gr2(C N ) under the influence of abelian and non-abelian background magnetic monopoles or a combination of these thereof. For the simplest case of Gr2(C 4 ) we provide explicit constructions of the single and manyparticle wavefunctions by introducing the Plücker coordinates and show by calculating the two-point correlation function that the lowest Landau level (LLL) at filling factor ν = 1 forms an incompressible fluid. Finally, we heuristically identify a relation between the U (1) Hall effect on Gr2(C 4 ) and the Hall effect on the odd sphere S 5 , which is yet to be investigated in detail, by appealing to the already known analogous relations between the Hall effects on CP 3 and CP 7 and those on the spheres S 4 and S 8 , respectively. The talk is given by S. Kürkçüoglu at the Group 30 meeting at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium in July 2014 and based on the article by F.Ballı, A.Behtash, S.Kürkçüoglu, G.Ünal [1].
IntroductionA 4-dimensional generalization of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) was introduced by Hu and Zhang in [2]. They treat the Landau problem on S 4 for charged particles carrying an additional SU (2) degree of freedom which are under the influence of an SU (2) background gauge field. In the thermodynamic limit, the multi-particle problem in the lowest Landau level (LLL) with filling factor ν = 1 may be seen as an incompressible 4-dimensional quantum Hall liquid as demonstrated by these authors. Appearance of massless chiral bosons at the edge of a 2-dimensional quantum Hall droplet [3,4,5,6] generalizes to this setting. It is found that among the edge excitations of this 4-dimensional quantum Hall droplet not only photons and gravitons but also other massless higher spin states occur.Further developments took place after the work of Hu and Zhang. Other higher-dimensional generalizations of QHE to a variety of manifolds including complex projective spaces CP N , S 8 , S 3 , the Flag manifold