The Groenewold-Moyal plane is the algebra A θ (R d+1 ) of functions on R d+1 with the * -product as the multiplication law, and the commutator [x µ ,x ν ] = iθ µν (µ, ν = 0, 1, ..., d) between the coordinate functions. Chaichian et al. [1] and Aschieri et al. [2] have proved that the Poincaré group acts as automorphisms on A θ (R d+1 ) if the coproduct is deformed. (See also the prior work of Majid [3], Oeckl [4] and Grosse et al [5]). In fact, the diffeomorphism group with a deformed coproduct also does so according to the results of [2]. In this paper we show that for this new action, the Bose and Fermi commutation relations are deformed as well. Their potential applications to the quantum Hall effect are pointed out. Very striking consequences of these deformations are the occurrence of Pauli-forbidden energy levels and transitions. Such new effects are discussed in simple cases.PACS numbers: 11.10. Nx, 11.30.Cp Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin, our friend and teacher, and a true and creative seeker of knowledge. *