Abstract. This paper presents a framework made up of agents that promote monitoring of the learning process in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)On the other hand. From the results of student performance in the VLE it was possible to perform the mapping of performance on formal tests. Having this mapping it is possible to evaluate whether the decision-making from the Fuzzy Agent (FA) is consistent with the intervention that the interface agent performs. The interface agent is an Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) which has a specific behavior according to student performance, it is intended to transmit the messages to the student so it can track and monitor the whole learning process in the Virtual Learning Environment.
General InformationMany studies present an interest in how to best guide students while using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Van, Erik and Schepers's studies (2008) show evidence that the success of a VLE depended on the acceptance and usage of the e-learning system. In addition, they also highlighted the fact that education program managers should not worry exclusively about the basic system project, but should also deal explicitly with the individual differences between each VLE user.It was also observed in Chou and Liu's work (2005) that web-based technology has a positive impact in learning. In their studies, they presented data regarding the efficacy of a VLE in relation to traditional, face-to-face teaching method. Four critical factors were also identified, according to the authors: performance increase, higher teaching efficiency, higher student satisfaction levels, and learning.Similar studies aim to find constructs in student-oriented teaching on web-based systems. Ke and Kwak (2013)