Original scientific paper There has been an increased use of soft-sensors in process industry in recent years. These soft-sensors are computer programs that are used as a relatively cheap alternative to hardware sensors. Since process variables, which are concerned with final product quality, cannot always be measured by hardware sensors, designing the appropriate soft-sensor can be an interesting solution. Additionally, a soft-sensor can be used as a backup sensor, when the hardware sensor is in fault or removed due to maintenance or replacement. Soft-sensor is based on the mathematical model of the process. Since industrial processes are generally quite complex, a theoretical modeling approach is often impractical, expensive or sometimes even impossible. Therefore, process model building is based on measured data. This approach significantly gets complicated if only plant data, taken from the process database, are available. In this paper the most popular methods for plant data-based modeling that appeared in the last two decades are summarized and briefly explained. Apart from giving a short survey of the most important papers, tips about choosing the appropriate methodology for process model building are also provided.