Transport of iron to tissues is of vital importance. Remarkable advances have been made concerning the mechanisms involving iron metabolism after its absorption. Studies assessing cellular and mitochondrial iron metabolism have resulted in interesting findings. This review highlights the recent advances in the mechanisms involving transport and delivery of iron to tissues, cellular and mitochondrial iron metabolism, iron-related molecules, and mitochondrial disorders. (Turk J Hematol 2010; 27: 137-46) Key words: Iron, iron transport, mitochondria, mitochondrial iron Received: February 8, 2010 Accepted: April 6, 2010
ÖzetDemirin dokulara taşınması yaşamsal önem taşır. Demirin emiliminden sonraki metabolizmasıyla ilgili büyük ilerlemeler kaydedilmiştir. Selüler ve mitokondriyal demir metabolizmasıyla ilgili araştırmalar ilginç sonuçlar vermektedir. Bu derleme demirin dokulara taşınması, verilmesi, hücresel ve mitokondriyal demir metabolizması, demirle ilişkili moleküller ve mitokondriyal hastalıklarla ilgili yeni gelişme-leri vurgulamaktadır. (Turk J Hematol 2010; 27: 137-46) Anahtar kelimeler: Demir, demir taşınımı, mitokondri, mitokondriyal demir
Geliş tarihi: 8 Şubat 2010 Kabul tarihi: 6 Nisan 2010A current theme in the field of hematology as well as in other disciplines is the molecular mechanisms concerning iron metabolism. Mechanisms involving absorption of iron by enterocytes has been reviewed elsewhere [1][2][3]. In this review, delivery of iron to tissues, mechanisms concerning cellular and mitochondrial iron metabolism, iron-related molecules, and mitochondrial disorders are presented (Table 1).
Transport of iron in plasmaBinding to transferrin (Tf) is the first step in iron transport. Tf has high affinity for ferric iron; therefore, the oxidation of ferrous (Fe +2 ) to the ferric (Fe +3 ) form by hephaestin is an essential step for transport. Hephaestin is a ceruloplasmin homolog, and colocalizes with ferroportin at the basolateral membrane of enterocytes. The role of hephaestin in iron absorption was first shown in the sla (sex-