Let S be a connected Dedekind scheme and X an S-scheme provided with a section x. We prove that the morphism between fundamental group schemes π 1 (X, x) ab → π 1 (Alb X/S , 0 Alb X/S ) induced by the canonical morphism from X to its Albanese scheme Alb X/S (when the latter exists) fits in an exact sequence of group schemes 0 → (NS τ X/S ) ∨ → π 1 (X, x) ab → π 1 (Alb X/S , 0 Alb X/S ) → 0, where the kernel is a finite and flat S-group scheme. Furthermore, we prove that any finite and commutative quotient pointed torsor over the generic fiber Xη of X can be extended to a finite and commutative pointed torsor over X.