Let X be any scheme defined over a Dedekind scheme S with a given section x ∈ X(S). We prove the existence of a pro-finite S-group scheme ℵ(X, x) and a universal ℵ(X, x)-torsor dominating all the pro-finite pointed torsors over X. Though ℵ(X, x) may not be unique in general it still can provide useful information in order to better understand X. In a similar way we prove the existence of a pro-algebraic S-group scheme ℵ alg (X, x) and a ℵ alg (X, x)-torsor dominating all the pro-algebraic and affine pointed torsors over X. The case where X → S has no sections is also considered.Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 14L15, 14G17. Secondary: 11G99.