Self-care deficit is a condition of a person who has impaired ability to carry out daily life activities independently, has no desire to take a shower regularly, dirty clothes, body odor, breath odor, does not comb hair and looks untidy. Patients who suffer from mental disorders often experience indifference in self-care, causing patients to be excluded in the family and community environment. Self-care defesites are symptoms of schizophrenic patients that can be controlled through Group Activity therapy. During the assessment process, nurses use therapeutic communication and foster a trusting relationship between nurse-client. In Mr. L's case that the client experienced symptoms of Self-Care deficits such as the patient appearing dirty, the patient not wanting to take a shower, the patient not changing clothes, the patient not brushing his teeth. Prediposition Factor in Mr.L i.e. Client has never had a mental disorder before. The diagnoses that arise in Mr. L's case are self-care deficits, social isolation, low self-esteem. But on its implementation, the author focuses on the main problem of self-care deficit. Nursing planning and implementation is tailored to the meeting strategy in patients with self-care deficits and social isolation. Evaluation was obtained that there was an increase in ability, the client in carrying out care on himself such as being able to bathe without being ordered, being able to decorate himself, eating, tub / chapter.