Bullying is a negative behavior that has an impact on mental health problems. Cases at school make bullying often carried out by students / adolescents. Scouting is one of the movements that exist in schools as agents of change and examples of leader values in schools. Literacy module as a health promotion media effort in bullying prevention. The purpose of this study was to develop a mental health literacy module based on the scout movement to prevent bullying. This research is a development research by testing modules. Design with a 4D model approach (defining, designing, developing, and disseminating). The respondents in this study were experts in the field of mental and community nursing, as well as 4 scout teachers. Assessment using content validity ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). The results at the defining stage were bullying problems in schools, the design stage with the creation of literacy modules based on the scout movement, stage three development with the results of CVR (20.5) and CVI (0.46) and stage three module dissemination. Analysis of module development through a series of 4 stages is carried out with the results of development by 4 experts in a ratio of 3 statements that are not accepted on the feasibility and accuracy indicators. However, from the overall results, the validity of the content is declared appropriate. The conclusion that the development of a mental health literacy module based on the scout movement to prevent bullying was stated to be appropriate by 4 experts.