To be useful, steady-state thermodynamics (SST) must be self-consistent and have predictive value. Consistency of SST was recently verified for driven lattice gases under global weak exchange. Here I verify consistency of SST under local (pointwise) exchange, but only in the limit of a vanishing exchange rate; for a finite exchange rate the coexisting systems have different chemical potentials. I consider the lattice gas with nearest-neighbor exclusion on the square lattice, with nearest-neighbor hopping, and with hopping to both nearest and next-nearest neighbors. I show that SST does not predict the coexisting densities under a nonuniform drive or in the presence of a nonuniform density provoked by a hard wall or nonuniform transition rates. The steady-state chemical potential profile is, moreover, nonuniform at coexistence, contrary to the basic principles of thermodynamics. Finally, I discuss examples of a pair of systems possessing identical steady states but which do not coexist when placed in contact. The results of these studies confirm the validity of SST for coexistence between spatially uniform systems but cast serious doubt on its consistency and predictive value in systems with a finite rate of particle exchange between coexisting regions exhibiting a nonuniform particle density.