Myelinated nerve fibers have evolved to enable fast and efficient transduction of electrical signals in the nervous system. To act as an electric insulator, the myelin sheath is formed as a multilamellar membrane structure by the spiral wrapping and subsequent compaction of the oligodendroglial plasma membrane around central nervous system (CNS) axons. Current evidence indicates that the myelin sheath is more than an inert insulating membrane structure. Oligodendrocytes are metabolically active and functionally connected to the subjacent axon via cytoplasmic-rich myelinic channels for movement of macromolecules to and from the internodal periaxonal space under the myelin sheath. This review summarizes our current understanding of how myelin is generated and also the role of oligodendrocytes in supporting the long-term integrity of myelinated axons.
When Virchow analyzed the fine structure of the brain in the 1850s, he recognized that there were more cells within the "Nervenkitt" than astrocytes, but because of the imperfect staining methods, they remained obscure and were only named the "third element" (reviewed in Somjen 1988; Rosenbluth 1999). It was decades later that Pío del Río-Hortega (1921) applied a staining method involving silver carbonate, thereby shedding new light on the rest of the interstitial cells. These cells were found to contain numerous short processes and were named oligodendroglia and microglia. Defining features of oligodendrocytes were their small cell bodies filled with nuclei containing large amounts of chromatin, and their cellular extensions that lacked fibers but were filled with cytoplasmic granules (Fig. 1). When the tissue was optimally preserved, the silver impregnation uncovered a tremendous complexity of extensions (Fig. 1). del Río-Hortega was able to distinguish four types of oligodendrocytes ( Fig. 1): Type I cells generate many different myelin segments on small diameter axons in diverse orientations; type II cells are similar to type I in size and number, but myelin segments run in parallel to each other; type III oligodendrocytes ensheath fewer axons of larger diameter; and type IV oligodendrocytes have a cell body closely apposed to a single very large axon similar to Schwann cells. From the staining, it became clear that some of the processes run in parallel to axons and appeared to cover the axons with "myelin," a term that was introduced by Virchow already in