In the present paper, nonlinear behaviors of complex system dynamics from a multifractal perspective of motion are analyzed. In the framework of scale relativity theory, by analyzing the dynamics of complex system entities based on continuous but non-differentiable curves (multifractal curves), both the Schrödinger and Madelung scenarios on the holographic implementations of dynamics are functional and complementary. In the Madelung scenario, the holographic implementation of dynamics (i.e., free of any external or internal constraints) has some important consequences explicated by means of various operational procedures. The selected procedures involve synchronous modes through SL (2R) transformation group based on a hidden symmetry, coherence domains through Riemann manifold embedded with a Poincaré metric based on a parallel transport of direction (in a Levi Civita sense). Other procedures used here relate to the stationary-non-stationary dynamics transition through harmonic mapping from the usual space to the hyperbolic one manifested as cellular and channel type self-structuring. Finally, the Madelung scenario on the holographic implementations of dynamics are discussed with respect to laser-produced plasma dynamics.