ABSTRAKLapisan tipis ZnPcSn dapat dikembangkan sebagai prototipe detektor gas ozon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari hubungan antara ketebalan dan nilai resistansi lapisan tipis ZnPcSn pada paparan ozon. Lapisan tipis ZnPcSn dideposisikan pada substrat printed circuit board (PCB) dengan berbagai variasi ketebalan dengan teknik evaporasi vakum. Morfologi lapisan tipis diobservasi dengan scanning electron microscope (SEM). Foto SEM menunjukkan bahwa semakin tebal lapisan, maka poripori yang terbentuk semakin besar dan ketebalan lapisan semakin merata. Untuk memperoleh nilai resistansi, lapisan ZnPcSn dipapar dengan ozon selama 30 menit secara terus menerus. Semakin tebal lapisan ZnPcSn maka semakin banyak molekul ZnPcSn yang terdapat dalam lapisan, sehingga semakin besar interaksi dengan ozon dan menyebabkan penurunan nilai resistansi lapisan. Penurunan nilai resistansi ini mengindikasikan bahwa lapisan tipis ZnPcSn memiliki kemampuan sebagai detektor ozon.Kata kunci : lapisan tipis ZnPcSn, substrat PCB, evaporasi vakum, variasi ketebalan, ozon, nilai resistansi ABSTRACT Thin film of ZnPcSn was developed as a prototype for ozone detector. This study aimed to investigate the relationship thickness of thin film of ZnPcSn along with resistance value toward ozone exposure. The ZnPcSn thin film was deposited on a printed circuit board (PCB) substrate with various thickness using vacuum evaporation technique. The morphology of the thin film was observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM images of ZnPcSn thin film showed that thicker layer of thin film leaded to greater pore and uniform distributed layer. To obtain the resistance value, ZnPcSn thin film was exposed to ozone for 30 minutes continuously. Ozone was synthesized by ozonator from air. Thicker film with higher ZnPcSn content had more intensive interaction with ozone. Higher interaction with ozone leaded to the increasing value of generated current, indicated by the decreasing of the thin film resistance value. This result demonstrated that the ZnPcSn thin film has promising potential as ozone detector.